The Human Factors and Aging Laboratory focuses on understanding the fundamentals of human behavior in the context of technology interactions. Our research engages older adults of varying abilities and experiences in projects related to healthcare; design for aging; technology acceptance; aging-in-place; training and instructional support; and human-robot interaction. The overall goal of our lab is improving quality of life for older adults.
- Connecting Researchers Studying Aging at IllinoisSeveral HFA Lab members had the opportunity to attend Connecting Researchers Studying Aging at Illinois… Read more: Connecting Researchers Studying Aging at Illinois
- Congratulations, Dr. Santens!HFA Lab member Ryan Santens successfully defended his dissertation, “A Community-Based Implementation of an Adapted… Read more: Congratulations, Dr. Santens!
- Farewell, Tongxin!Tongxin Sun has been at the HFA Lab as a visiting scholar for the past… Read more: Farewell, Tongxin!

Featured Publications
- The National Institutes of Health (National Institute on Aging)
- Stretching Their Reach: Robotic Support for Older Individuals with Mild Cognitive Impairment. Early Alzheimer’s Dementia, and Mobility Impairments [2R44AG072982-02]
- The National Institutes of Health (National Institute of Nursing Research)
- Improving Hypertension Medication Adherence for Older Adults [R01NR018469]
- Digital Technology to Support Adherence to Hypertension Medications for Older Adults with Mild Cognitive Impairments [R01NR020261]
- The Administration for Community Living, National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research, Rehabilitation Engineering Research Centers
- Grainger College of Engineering
- XR + AI for Empathy Training [XAI4ET]